Welcome to is the easiest way to manage your team online. Once your team is set up, the system will remind your players of games and events. As a manager, you will be able to know who will be at a game. As a parent, you can allow the site to remind you of upcoming events. It's a win-win.

Not to mention, it's FREE!

There are a lot of sites out there to manage teams. Each one wants you to register with usernames and passwords, thus adding one more place to have to remember how you registered. On, you just need to know your e-mail addres you've given to your coach and the site will generate a secure URL to allow you to access your team's information.
[ Screenshots (some of the text has been edited) ]

If you access your information from a smartphone (such as an iPhone [ Screenshots ], the data is presented in a format to fit on that screen. No App to download, just your information, in your hands, when you want it. Click the link from your e-mail and presto, it's there.

See the list of teams using

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Like is mentioned above, this site is FREE, but if you like it and find it useful, please consider sending a "payment" using the PayPal link below.

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